Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
MS Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
School Hours
Students are expected to be in their homeroom and ready for attendance by 7:20 am. Students who arrive after 7:20 am must report to the office to receive a pass before going to their classroom and will be recorded as tardy. School doors open at 7:00 am and students arriving at that time are to immediately report to the cafeteria. Students should NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 7:00 AM since there is no supervision prior to that time.
All students being dropped off and adults must enter the building through the main office door on Partridge Rd. To ensure the safety of all of our children, school policy requires all visitors to sign in and present photo identification upon arrival and sign out upon exiting the building.
Arrival Procedures
• The school will open at 7:00 am daily for students. There is no supervision prior to this time, therefore, students may not enter the building until 7:00 am.
• Buses will unload in the main parking lot on Route 16.
• Small buses/vehicles will use Partridge Road loop to drop off and students will enter using the Main Office Doors. Pull your vehicle as far forward as possible so cars are not standing on Partridge Road behind you to drop off. Students will exit your car and use sidewalk to the main office doors.
• Partridge Road loop is one-way traffic. Please obey signs.
• Students having breakfast will immediately report to cafeteria.
• Students are expected to be in homeroom before 7:20 am each day.
EARLY Dismissal
When students must leave before the end of the school day, a note needs to be sent to the main office in the morning indicating the reason for the early dismissal and the pick-up time. If an issue arises during the day, the office must be notified by 1:00 pm to ensure proper and timely notification to teachers. Students shall be released from school only to their parents or guardians or to persons authorized by their parents/guardians and only from the main office. No student will be released from school without written permission or a phone call from a parent/guardian.
Dismissal Procedures
Bus riders will exit the building at 2:10 pm to the Rte. 16 parking lot. Buses leave at 2:15 pm.
Parent pick ups will be dismissed at 2:10 pm and exit out the main doors at the Partridge Rd. loop. Pull your car as far forward as possible so cars are not standing on Partridge Rd. Students will not be allowed to walk out to the road to be picked up. The Partridge Rd. loop is one-way traffic. Please obey all signs.
Home-to-School Notes