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PTO/Parent Volunteers

Parent-Teacher Organization and Parent Volunteers

Holland Elementary Parent/Teacher Organization

The Holland Elementary PTO is a service organization established to benefit all students attending Holland Elementary School.  Members, who are parents, teachers and community volunteers, organize various activities, events and fundraisers throughout the school year.  PTO members trim Box Tops, scoop ice cream, bake cookies, and help Kindergarteners select Christmas gifts for their parents and much more.  All monies raised by the PTO are used for Holland elementary students.  Members and ideas are welcome!  Additional information will be sent home with your child at the beginning of the school year and dues are just $5.00 per family.

PTO contacts for the 2021/2022 school year are:  Mary Jo Szucs – 537-9952             

New members and ideas are welcome!  Additional information will be sent home with your child at the beginning of the school year.


Parent Community Volunteers

Parents and community volunteers are a valuable asset to our school, classrooms and programs.  We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to participate in the Parent Community Volunteer Program.  All volunteers must complete an application and all other necessary paperwork to participate.

Parents and community members have the opportunity to help faculty and staff at the elementary building.  Volunteers may choose from a variety of options including working in the classroom, preparing materials, and putting up displays.

See the Main Office to get started!