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4th - Mrs. Willard

Mrs. Willard


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Mrs. Willard

Mrs. Willard teaches fourth grade at the elementary school. She went into teaching to inspire and to help the next generation navigate our ever changing world. She wants to give children confidence and know that they can make a difference. She was inspired by her teachers growing up. They gave her confidence to face challenges she never thought she could overcome. With the help of her parents and teachers she was shaped into the person she is today. Mrs. Willard holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Buffalo State College and a master’s degree in Literacy from Canisius College. She is certified in Elementary Education (PreK- 6th Grade), Literacy (Birth-6th Grade) and Special Education (Birth- 6th Grade).

Mrs. Willard has been at Holland for 4 years. She loves the small, tight knit community. She loves seeing all the families at events in town and making connections with not just her student but the whole family. It reminds her of the school she attended as a child. She loves the faculty and staff and the family atmosphere when they arrive at work. She says teaching and learning is her passion and she loves being part of the Holland community.  Mrs. Willard has played the Alto Saxphone for over 28 years. When she is not at school, she plays in a band called the German American Musicians in gigs all over Western NY.


mwillard (@) hollandcsd (.) org

(716) 537-8250 ext. 5030