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Chamber's Choice Awards
Congratulations to this year's Chamber's Choice award winners! Each year the Greater East Aurora Chamber of Commerce honors graduating high school seniors from across the Greater East Aurora Region.
Click here for a video recognizing Holland's recipients:
Chamber's Choice Awards
Educator of the Year
Ormsby Awards

Students are recognized for achievements in community service, leadership, personal growth, citizenship, entrepreneurship, and other quality traits.
Congratulations to the 2024 Chamber's Choice Student Award winners from Holland:
Julia Dietz
Mason Greenley
Taylor Howard
Jacob Leitzan
Hannah Lewandowski
Dealya Mest
Seth Schoenthal
Carolyn Waligora
Kylee Johnson
Grace Zywiczynski

Ormsby Award Winners:
Erica Prible
John Serra
Ashley Dawson
Jaden Tavernier

Congratulations to art teacher, Angela Occhino Ginnitti, for being recognized as Holland's Educator of the Year!
Thank you to our sponsors for Holland High School:
Head of the Class Title Sponsor West Herr Buick GMC Cadillac of East Aurora, Presenting Sponsors Great Erie Federal Credit Union & HDE Electric along with our Holland High School Sponsors Bank of Holland, FMV Tax Professionals, & Holland Hardware.
The COVID Years Documentary Now Available to Stream