Section 504
What is a 504 Plan?
A 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child with a disability, identified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will provide access to the learning environment. The document assures compliance of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and is developed by a team of individuals that may consist of the student with a disability (if appropriate), the student's parent(s) or guardian(s), the 504 coordinator, the student's general education teacher(s), and any other participants who can contribute to the development of the plan.
How is a student considered for a 504 Plan?
A student with a physical or emotional disability, or who is recovering from a chemical dependency, or who has an impairment (i.e. Attention Deficit Disorder) that restricts one or more major life activities.
What are examples of a major life activity?
Major life activities include performing manual tasks, caring for one's self, walking, hearing, seeing, speaking, breathing, working and learning.
What is the process for placing a student on a 504 Plan?
- Student is referred by their teacher, physical, therapist, or parent/guardian
- A 504 Plan Meeting is held
- A plan for the student is developed
- A review date is set
Who is involved in the process?
The student, parent/legal guardian, teacher, principal, Pupil Services Director, support staff (ie. counselor, speech/language therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, nurse) as well as the student's physician or therapist can be involved in the placement process including the 504 Plan Meeting.
What is the teacher's role in the 504 Plan process?
If you have a concern regarding a child's performance and/or behavior that you believe is caused by a disabling conciliation, you should initiate a referral after consulting with support staff and school building administration.
Also, you should participate in any meetings where a 504 Plan may be developed. You should be ready to provide pertinent data and documentation such as test scores, discipline referrals and anecdotal information to assist in the writing of the plan.
What is the parent's role in the 504 Plan process?
Parents give consent for the initial evaluation and must be given notice of a meeting to develop a 504 Plan. Parents may be asked to provide supporting documentation prior to the meeting to give more information to the team. Parental agreement is not necessary to implement a 504 Plan. The parent must be informed of the re-evaluation. The plan must be reviewed "periodically," generally on an annual basis.
What accommodations might be included in a 504 Plan?
- A child's seat assignment might accommodate a disability
- A diabetic child may be permitted to go to the health office for the administration of medication
- A student's assignments or testing conditions may be extended (i.e.. extensions of time, modification of test questions)