Committee on Special Education
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) is a multidisciplinary team, appointed by the Board of Education. The Holland CSE is responsible for students with disabilities from ages 5-21. The CSE is authorized to identify students in need of services by determining eligibility, developing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP),placing the student in the least restrictive environment in which they can succeed and provide appropriate services to meet the child's educational needs.
The team consists of:
- a district representative
- the parent(s) of the child
- the school physician, if requested by the parent
- school psychologist
- the regular education teacher if the child is participating in the regular educational program
- the special education teacher and/or service provider(s)
- a parent representative who has a child with an educational disability, if requested by the parent
- an individual who understands and can explain evaluation results and how the results affect instruction
- any other people who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the student, as requested by the parent or school district
- the student, if appropriate
The team meets at least annually to review a child's IEP and determine program from that point forward. Parents are encouraged to participate in each step of the process. If parent is unable to attend in person, arrangements can be made to do a telephone conference.