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Working Papers

 Working Papers 


  • All students under the age of 18 are required by New York State to obtain working papers to legally work a part-time or full-time job. 
  • To obtain working papers, download and/or print. (AT-17 Application for Employment Certificate) below. (Copies of this form are available in the Guidance Office)
    • 1. Fill out Part 1 of the application with parental signature. 
    • 2. You will need to have a physical within the last 12 months (You can check under the health tab on the parent portal to see the last physical date we have for you).  If needed, you can have the doctor fax a current physical to 716-537-8227.
    • If you DO NOT attend Holland Middle or High School, you will need to include a copy of your birth certificate and a copy of your physical dated within the last 12 months.  
  • Once you have the forms necessary, you can bring them to the Guidance Office and Mrs. Pagano will issue your working certificate. 
  •  If you have any questions, you can contact Marie Pagano at  716-537-8215.