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Goals and Objectives 

Goal 1: Increase parent, staff and high school student volunteerism and involvement.


  • To increase the number of parents and staff at PTO meetings 

  • To increase the number of parents, staff and high school student volunteers 


Goal 2: Promote closer connections between school and home by fostering parent involvement in the Elementary Room Parent Program.  


  • To increase parent attendance at school functions.

  • To ease and increase communication between parents and teachers using an existing tech platform (email)


Goal 3: Enhance the educational experience for students by supporting and supplementing the needs of teachers to promote academic and enrichment activities.


  • To continue the teacher support budget line

  • To support and find enrichment assemblies/speakers/activities for students

  • To fund agreed upon “big projects”


Board Representatives 



Mary Jo Szucs 


Laura Zywiczynski