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AP DrawingThe AP Studio Art course has been designed for students who are seriously interested in understanding and creating art and wish to develop mastery in executing their ideas and concepts. Through direct teacher instruction and guidance, students will develop a body of artwork that demonstrates a high level of quality and growth in content, technique, problem solving and process. Students will be challenged to develop their own personal, creative and original artwork. They will understand that art making is an ongoing process that uses informed and critical decision making to determine outcomes to problems. The AP Drawing course framework is made up of three big ideas: 1. Investigate materials, processes, and ideas; 2. Make art and design; 3. Present art and design.
A.P. students will work towards the completion of a portfolio that will be submitted for evaluation at the end of the school year. Advanced Placement work does involve significantly more time and commitment than most high-school courses; therefore the program is intended for students seriously committed to studying art. At the end of the A.P. course, students will have a portfolio capable of earning college credits.The syllabus and course framework will be provided in class.Supplies:
- Sketchbook – Spiral Bound (9”x12” or 8½ “ x 11”) available in the school store
- Drawing Pencils - available in the school store
- Erasers
- Hand held pencil sharpener
- Prismacolor Pencil Set – strongly recommended
- Portfolio to transport artwork
- AP Exam Fee – Approx. $90