- Holland Central School District
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica Salamanca Chapter
World Language - Mrs. Crowe
Page Navigation
- About Sra. Crowe
- Welcome page
- World Language Club/ Trip
- Teacher information
- Spanish III vocabulary master lists
- Paraíso del pretérito Español II
- Spanish 103/104
- Links
- podcasts Mostly NYS Regents Listening Practices
- supplies
- Study Guide
- Tips for 2nd language study
- Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica Salamanca Chapter
- Spanish promotion
- Expectation sheet for Spanish 1B, II and III
- Crowe Testing resources 2019
SHH-National Spanish Honor Society-Salamanca Chapter here at HCS
I am so proud to be able to sponsor the Salamanca Chapter of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica, a national Spanish Honor Society here at Holland CSD. It is a very prestigious opportunity for our high school Spanish students. Holland has an amazing group of Spanish honor students! Please click on the link for detailed information. http://www.aatsp.org/?page=SHHchapterguidelines&hhSearchTerms=%22SHH%22
The students who apply for induction must have received an A average of 90 or higher over the last three semesters of their Spanish study. They must demonstrate exceptional interest in promoting the Spanish language and other cultures in the Holland Community.
To maintain membership once inducted, a student must maintain an honors average in their Spanish class and may choose to perform 20 hours of service promoting the Spanish language (tutoring, FLC, etc). If you are currently maintaining an 85% or higher in SPA 103 or 104 and participate actively in FLC, you may include FLC membership separately on your scholarship application as a senior.
A student who no longer takes a Spanish class may be allowed to maintain Associate Member status at the discretion of the Chapter Sponsor with completion of the 20 hours of service duties and demonstration of actively promoting the Spanish language in the Holland Community. This includes active participation in FL club meetings and activities but if you use those hours towards your required 20 hours for SHH, please do not claim active membership in FLC on your scholarship applications in addition to the Spanish Honor Society membership. Please create a poster for NFLW and a video promoting 2nd language learning for the FLC video contest. You may tutor, create learning modules for the Elementary School or do another project of your choice but you must have my approval as SHH sponsor prior to beginning the activity to receive credit. Also, you must document your hours appropriately using the provided sheet. SHH time sheet