     2024-2025 Board of Education Members  
    Mr. Russell Clothier, Jr.

    Vice President
    Mrs. Kelleen Kensy

    Mr. Gerald Vella

    Mrs. Bonnie Meahl Rowe

    Mr. Andrew Stang

    Mrs. Paula Leach

    Mrs. Mary Jo Szucs

    CONTACT THE BOARD MEMBERS AT BoardofEd@hollandcsd.org  

    Mrs. Sue Radecki
    District Clerk

    The Holland Central School District's Vision is to ignite a passion to thrive in an ever-changing world.


              The Holland Central School District’s Mission is to cultivate active learners through a meaningful and relevant educational experience that prioritizes student well-being, builds resiliency, and prepares them to be engaged, contributing members of society. 



       The  Holland Central School District website was created to provide timely, relevant, and necessary information to district residents.  The school superintendent, the business official, and all school board members have email addresses where they can be reached.
        The school board welcomes letters and inquiries from interested district residents on all matters pertaining to Holland educational experiences.
       However, please carefully understand that any such communications sent to the administration for transmittal to the individual school board members ARE NOT confidential communications, and can be shared with the public.
       Any correspondence identifying a particular student by name or referencing a particular teacher, administrator, or employee by name will not be considered public information and will not be shared with the public.